What is a big bang?
A bigbang is an event that gives writers and artists a chance to collaborate. During the bigbang, writers will anonymously submit a prompt for a story which will then be picked up by interested artists. Once paired, the two will work together to bring that prompt to life.
What is this big bang about?
Serenade focuses on the relationship between Venti (Barbatos) and Zhongli (Morax). Whether participants want to create general content or ship content, that is completely up to them.
Who can participate in this event?
For this event, we are looking for writers, artists as well as betas, cheerleaders and pinch-hitters. As long as you have a passion for Zhongven, you're more than welcome to participate in the event!
How will the event work?
Once the contributors have filled out their respective forms, they'll be invited to join the Serenade discord server. From then, writers will have to submit their story summaries - a basic outline of what they want to write- via the google form posted in the server. The summaries will then be shown to the artists anonymously and they'll have to pick the summaries that interest them the most. Based on their interest, we'll pair writers with artists and if we're able to get enough betas, we'd like to pair them as well.
Will the event have switch content?
Yes! As long as the main focus of your piece is Venti and Zhongli, the dynamic between them is completely up to you.
Are other ships allowed?
You're more than welcome to have other pairings in your piece, however, the main focus should always be Zhongven.
Is NSFW allowed?
After the interest check results, NSFW will be allowed. We just ask participants to tag all their work appropriately.
Is there any kind of content that is not allowed?
For this event, we will not be allowing content that falls under Dead Dove and darker themes.
Are minors allowed to participate?
Yes, minors are allowed to participate. However, we do ask that all our contributors be at least 15+ so as to make a discord account to join the event server.
Can I participate with a partner?
Yes! You're more than welcome to partner with a friend for this event. Just make sure to indicate who you will be working with in the contributor form.
Can I participate anonymously?
Anonymous participation is definitely possible. To do so, please use a side discord account to access the server. This is important because discord is our primary method of communicating with participants. This is also how you'll get in touch with your partner. As for posting, either your partner can embed your art in their fic or the artist can post the fic along with the art.


1. Writers are required to produce a fic with a minimum word count of 5k while artists must have a minimum of one finished artwork in their style.2. All works created for the bigbang must be new. While writers are welcome to use this opportunity to finish a WIP, the WIP must not have been posted on a website prior to the event.3. All participants must be respectful of one another. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and participants engaging in such activity will be removed from the server and banned from any future events.4. While minors are allowed to participate in the event, should NSFW be allowed, they cannot write or create NSFW pieces.5. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.


ScheduleSign - ups: 1st June - 10th July
Summary Submission: 10th June - 15th July
Summary Claims: 16th July - 23rd July
Teams Announced: 30th July
Creation Period: 1st August - 1st November
Date Claims: 15th October - 21st October
Dates Announced: 29th October
Posting Period: 2nd November - 13th November
Extension Period: 14th November - 26th November



Hi! I'm Winter~ I was the head mod for the first Zhongven Bigbang and now I'll be taking the lead for the second one as well. Since the first event, I have gained a lot of moderation experience by participating in various events.

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